At Brynnau Primary School we want the very best education for our children, and we want the children to be safe, happy and to feel secure. Whilst we take pride in our achievements we are equally as proud of our caring, happy, and friendly school ethos.
Our aim at Brynnau is to provide an engaging, innovative 21st Century curriculum that is led by children’s interests and provides them with the skills and experiences to become confident lifelong learners. We are fully committed to the ambition of the New Curriculum for Wales, for our children to be:
Ambitious, capable learners
Ethical, informed citizens
Healthy, confident individuals
Enterprising, creative contributors
It is through working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support that we can provide the very best for our children in order that they grow into happy, confident individuals and fulfil their potential.
Brynnau Primary is an extremely effective school; all our staff and Governing Body members are committed to developing your child’s mind set and skills to pursue a life-long journey of learning and discovery.
Our School Mission is ‘Helping each other to succeed – Helpu'n gilydd i lwyddo’ this underpins our commitment and dedication in nurturing all children to achieve their maximum potential.
Mrs Beth Atkin