
Brynnau Primary School

Helping each other to succeed

About us
Brynnau Primary Welcome message
Key information
Starting school Staff Our curriculum ALN Universal Provision Safeguarding Governors Policies Well-Being Letters and Forms Key Dates Academic Calendar Day to Day Information PTA
Classes Breakfast Club After School Clubs School Council Digital Leaders Rights Respecting Rangers Eco Committees Criw Cymraeg Healthy schools The Cwtch Contact us Forms



We organise events for the children at the school, and we would like to start organising some events for parents too. We use funds raised to create these opportunities for the children to make amazing memories and enjoy time with their friends and families whilst raising valuable funds for the school. 

Some of the events in our year include: 

Halloween Disco 

Christmas Fair 

Valentine’s Disco 

Summer Fair 

At our events there are usually opportunities for the children to make craft projects, purchase food and drink, have their face painted and play games at stalls such as ‘Name the Teddy’ or Tombola, as well as our famous Jolly Cups stall! All these activities contribute towards our fundraising efforts. 

Don’t forget to follow our PTA Facebook page to keep up-to-date too! 



We are a group of parents with children who attend the school, from nursery through to year six.  We would like to introduce you to a few of our regular members so that you can get to know us all a little better.



The simple answer is that it all goes back to the children. We are currently raising money to purchase books for the reading scheme in school. This fundraiser started with the Summer Fair and now we are looking to the Halloween Disco (October) and the Christmas Fair (December) to pay for more books. 

Among other things we: pay annually for our school’s online maths scheme; have purchased 2 interactive panels; have provided Lego sets for all classes to use in their learning; give a gift to every child at Christmas; and provide the Easter Bunny with an egg for every child at Easter. 

None of this can happen without the support of parents. 



We really need lots of new members to get involved. We want to break down the stereotypical idea of the PTA - there is no regular commitment required; you don’t have to attend meetings; you don’t have to help out at every event. 

All we need is a group of parents, grandparents, even friends, who can offer a small window of their time either at a PTA event or behind the scenes before an event to help bring it all together for the children – this could be as simple as picking up some ingredients whilst you are doing your food shop or wrapping some gifts alongside your other wrapping. 

Joining the PTA is a great way to make new friends, to get to know the teachers and staff better, to get an insight into what happens in school, and to feel a part of something that brings the children happiness and much-needed resources too.