
Brynnau Primary School

Helping each other to succeed

About us
Brynnau Primary Welcome message
Key information
Starting school Staff Our curriculum ALN Universal Provision Safeguarding Governors Policies Well-Being Letters and Forms Key Dates Academic Calendar Day to Day Information PTA
Classes Breakfast Club After School Clubs School Council Digital Leaders Rights Respecting Rangers Eco Committees Criw Cymraeg Healthy schools The Cwtch Contact us Forms

School Council

Our role is to speak on behalf of the pupils at Brynnau Primary. We share ideas and questions, to help make our school a better place.

Members need to be:

·       Good listeners

·       Positive role models

·       Honest and truthful

·       Helpful and kind

·       Responsible and committed

School council meets weekly to discuss what the children of Brynnau want and need and how to improve our school. We work on projects to fundraise for the PTA, meet and report to the Governing Body every term and carry out audits for Health and Safety and resources.

School Council Charter

  1. Always listen to other people’s ideas and opinions

  2. Make improvements to the school

  3. Be organised for our meetings and bring ideas with us

  4. Everyone participates in the meetings

  5. Be a role model for the children in my school

  6. Take on responsibilities and jobs in my own time

  7. Be the voice of my peers and hold regular pupil voice sessions in class

  8. I will attend all meetings when I am in school

  9. To make others feel safe and happy

  10. Supporting school events