
Brynnau Primary School

Helping each other to succeed

About us
Brynnau Primary Welcome message
Key information
Starting school Staff Our curriculum ALN Universal Provision Safeguarding Governors Policies Well-Being Letters and Forms Key Dates Academic Calendar Day to Day Information PTA
Classes Breakfast Club After School Clubs School Council Digital Leaders Rights Respecting Rangers Eco Committees Criw Cymraeg Healthy schools The Cwtch Contact us Forms

Day to Day Information

School Hours:   

Gates open 8:50am     

School day begins 9.00am 

Morning break 10:30am – 10:50am 

Nursery lunchtime 11.30am – 1.00pm 

Reception Lunchtime 11.45am – 1.00pm 

Infant & Junior Lunchtime 12.00pm – 1.00pm 

School ends for Infants 3.15pm 

School ends for Juniors 3.30pm                                                  


School Uniform 

As a school we encourage the children to wear our school uniform each day, therefore we ask for your support to ensure the correct uniform is worn.  Our uniform consists of the following items: 

  • blue jumper or cardigan (these can be with or without the school badge) 

  • grey trousers, skirt or dress 

  • white polo shirt  

  • black school shoes.   

During the summer months there is also a blue gingham summer dress available or grey school shorts can be worn.  Please ensure that shorts are of a respectable length. 

On PE days, please can the children wear the following: 

  • plain white t-shirt  

  • black or navy shorts 

  • plain black or navy leggings or tracksuit bottoms 

  • trainers  

  • school jumper   


Breakfast Club 

Breakfast Club is a healthy service offered to our children every day.  It provides the children with a healthy start to the day and an opportunity for play and socialisation in a welcoming and safe environment.  Breakfast club starts at 8:10am and closes at 8:30am.  If you would like to apply for a place in our Breakfast Club please click on the following link:  

If you have any queries, please email   


School Dinners for part time Nursery children 

School dinners cost £2.70 per day.  Dinner money can be paid per day or £13.50 for the week.  Payment should be made in advance by clicking on the following link:



Trips are to paid online by following the following link:



If you are taking a holiday during term time we kindly ask that you complete and return the attached Holiday Form.  Authorised absence from school can only be given based on the child’s current attendance figures and how many days’ holiday has been requested.  Please note that taking holidays during term time will decrease your child’s attendance figure.  



If your child is required to take medication provided by your Doctor during school time, then a medical form must be completed.  Please complete the following form ensuring all information is supplied. 
