
Brynnau Primary School

Helping each other to succeed

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Our curriculum

"A curriculum for Wales - A curriculum for Life"

Our Vision

‘At Brynnau Primary School we strive to plan for the development of knowledge, skills, and experiences through an authentic, relevant curriculum within learning environments which inspire aspiration and creativity in a rapidly developing digital world.  Our curriculum is influenced by pupil voice, with fun, relevant, and real-world learning resources at the heart of an environment where the desire to learn comes from our pupils’ 


Our Brynnau Primary School Curriculum

The Well-being of our pupils is at the heart of our curriculum.  Our curriculum is designed to consider the needs of all our pupils and offers a broad and balanced range of learning experiences for all.  We recognise that pupils are individuals and therefore the way in which they will experience the curriculum may differ.  Our curriculum presents pupils with a range of big questions, gives them the opportunity to ask their own questions and enables their development of knowledge and skills in the exploration of possible answers through a variety of learning experiences.  Our staff carefully listen to our pupils and ensure that their thoughts, views, and needs inform and influence their learning.


Key Elements of the Curriculum for Wales

Four Purposes

The four purposes of the curriculum are the shared vision and aspiration for every child and young person. They guide and direct everything we do at Brynnau Primary School. In supporting the development of the four purposes, we set high expectations for all – to raise standards, tackle the attainment gap, and ensures our curriculum supports lifelong learning. 

The four purposes are at the heart of our new curriculum. They are the starting point for all decisions on the content and experiences developed as part of the curriculum to support our children and young people to become:

Ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives




Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work

Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world



Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society


As well as literacy, numeracy and digital skills, there are six areas of learning and experience. Everything your child learns will be connected to these areas.


·       Expressive Arts

In Expressive Arts your child will explore art, dance, drama, film and digital media and music to develop their creative, artistic and performance skills

·       Health and Well-being

Health and Well-being is about looking after their physical and mental health including emotional well-being. They will learn about healthy eating and how to make good decisions, deal with influences and develop healthy relationships. 

·       Humanities (Including RVE)

In Humanities they will learn about the world, society and events in the past and present. They will explore the challenges and opportunities that face us, and what ethical action we can take to safeguard the world and its people in the future


·       Languages, Literacy, and Communication (Including Welsh and modern foreign languages)

In Languages, Literacy and Communication, your child will learn about languages. They will understand and use Welsh, English, and other languages. They will study and create literature, and communicate in spoken, written or visual ways. This could include poetry, drama, and film.


·       Mathematics and Numeracy

In Mathematics and Numeracy, your child will develop their understanding of numbers and use symbols in maths. They will explore shapes and measurement and learn about statistics and probability.


·       Science and Technology (Including computer science)

In Science and Technology your child will learn about biology, chemistry, physics, computer science and design and technology. They will learn about design and engineering, living things, matter, forces, and energy, and how computers work..


Our curriculum ensures that our pupils learn about diversity, human rights and the rights of the child, developmentally appropriate relationships, and sexuality education (RSE), Welsh and religion, values, and ethics (RVE).



Observation and assessment will continue to be part of our daily teaching and learning and are used to plan the next steps in each pupil’s learning journey.

Pupils will engage with feedback from staff about their learning so that they know how well they are doing and what they can do to improve and progress. 

At Brynnau Primary we review the progress of each individual pupil each half term and use the information to plan for individuals to ensure that all make at least good progress and are effectively supported in doing so.  We report to parents about pupil’s progress and approach to learning at regular points in the year.