Our theme this term is 'Lights, Camera, Action!'
Our theme this term is 'Lights, Camera, Action!'
Our outdoor environment!
We love to be out and about... The children will have daily access to the outside environment, including the woods on a weekly basis so warm clothes will be appreciated as the weather becomes colder. Please could children also bring in a pair of wellies clearly labelled with their name to be stored in the welly shed for our woodland adventures.
Home learning...
- Homework will consist of spellings, reading and learn It facts.
- Additional challenges maybe set depending on the topic.
- Spellings will be emailed on a Friday.
A helping hand...
- Listen to your child read each day (school book and/or a range of books from home)
- Listen to your child reading set words or high-frequency words
- Please sign their reading record each week and you can also make a comment if you wish
- Spend time supporting them to learn their spelling patterns and Learn Its
- Encourage correct letter formation and pencil grip
Don't forget...!
- Bring book bag everyday
- Water bottle
- Fruit or vegetable snack (no bars) (No nuts)
- Wellies for the woods
- If having packed lunch a small bag only
- Wear their PE kit to school on a Monday
- Please label everything
- Wear a coat every day and on cold days a jumper
Suggested ways in which you can support your child
A brilliant website for children and parents. This contains loads of top tips on how you can best support your child with their reading and maths. There are over 250 ebooks which you can access for free as well as some maths games. It is well worth a look.
A useful game for practicing real and nonsense words.
An interactive maths game with quick fire questions
Jack Hartman Youtube videos