
Brynnau Primary School

Helping each other to succeed

About us
Brynnau Primary Welcome message
Key information
Starting school Staff Our curriculum ALN Universal Provision Safeguarding Governors Policies Well-Being Letters and Forms Key Dates Academic Calendar Day to Day Information PTA
Classes Breakfast Club After School Clubs School Council Digital Leaders Rights Respecting Rangers Eco Committees Criw Cymraeg Healthy schools The Cwtch Contact us Forms


Mr. C Thomas
Class Teacher​

Our Daily Routine



9.05am - 10.10am

Learning session


Break time​

10.50am - 12.00am

Learning session


Lunch time (12.30pm food)​




Reading time (individual and with teacher)

1.30pm - 2.50pm

Learning sessions




Reflection & Helpwr Heddiw


End of day

Our Learning in Dosbarth Efydd

There are 6 areas of learning and experience:​

  • Expressive arts
    In Expressive Arts your child will explore art, dance, drama, film and digital media and music to develop their creative, artistic and performance skills.

  • Health and Well-being
    Health and Well-being is about looking after their physical and mental health including emotional well-being. They will learn about healthy eating and how to make good decisions, deal with influences and develop healthy relationships. 

  • Humanities (Including RVE)​
    In Humanities they will learn about the world, society and events in the past and present. They will explore the challenges and opportunities that face us, and what ethical action we can take to safeguard the world and its people in the future.

  • Languages, Literacy, and Communication (Including Welsh and modern foreign languages)​
    In Languages, Literacy and Communication, your child will learn about languages. They will understand and use Welsh, English, and other languages. They will study and create literature, and communicate in spoken, written or visual ways. This could include poetry, drama, and film.

  • Mathematics and Numeracy
    In Mathematics and Numeracy, your child will develop their understanding of numbers and use symbols in maths. They will explore shapes and measurement and learn about statistics and probability.

  • Science and Technology (Including computer science)
    In Science and Technology your child will learn about biology, chemistry, physics, computer science and design and technology. They will learn about design and engineering, living things, matter, forces, and energy, and how computers work.

Our theme this term is 'Lights, Camera, Action!'

Termly Newsletter

Our outdoor environment!
We love to be out and about... The children will have access to the outside environment, including the woods, so warm clothes will be appreciated as the weather becomes colder. Please could children also bring in a pair of wellies clearly labelled with their name on these days.

Home learning...
Homework will consist of spellings, reading, learn It facts and Safe challenges.    ​​
- Additional challenges may be set depending on the topic.  
- Spellings will be emailed on a Friday.

- Maths challenges will be given on a Monday.

A helping hand...
Listen to your child read each day (school book and/or a range of books from home)
- Please sign their reading record each week and you can also make a comment if you wish​
- Spend time supporting them to learn their spelling patterns, number bonds and timetables.
- Help them to learn the times table facts in and out of sequence
- Encourage them to engage with the news and the world we live in to allow them to become ethically informed citizens of the world

Important Information
Bring book bag everyday​
- Water bottle​
- Fruit or vegetable snack (no bars, no nuts)​
- Wellies for the woods when required
- If having packed lunch a small bag only  ​
- Wear their PE kit to school on a Tuesday​
- Wear uniform and bring wellies on woodland days​
- Please label everything​
- Wear a coat and flat shoes every day and on cold days a jumper

Suggested ways in which you can support your child

Oxford Owl

A brilliant website for children and parents.  This contains loads of top tips on how you can best support your child with their reading and maths.  There are over 250 ebooks which you can access for free as well as some maths games.  It is well worth a look.

BBC Bitesize

Use BBC Bitesize to help with your homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.

Hit the Button

An interactive maths game with quick fire questions

Top marks

Thousands of quality teaching resources, interactive resources, homework, exam and revision help.


The free, fun, and effective way to learn a language!

Important Information

  • PE will be on a Tuesday

  • Swimming dates to be confirmed in the Summer term

  • Please contact the Office before 9am if your child is absent from school​

  • Inform the school if someone different is picking up your child​

  • Any changes to contact numbers or emails please inform the Office​

  • Staff will respond to emails during work hours​

  • Email:​